

  1. Bagaimana cara kerja handphone agar terhubung dengan panggilan telepon dan internet?      Hp A menelpon Hp B dengan mengirimkan gelombang analog (Suara).      Suara diubah oleh antenna menjadi gelombang digital. K emudian diteruskan ke  Base Transceiver Station  dalam bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik      K emudian sinyal pada BTS ditransmisikan ke box BTS dalam bentuk gelombang cahaya melalui kabel serat optic ( Fiber Optic Cable ) untuk diolah secara lanjut dan kemudian sinyal menuju MSC ( Mobile Switching Center). MSC  memusatkan sinyal dan mengecek penerima sedang dalam syarat menerima telepon/tidak.    J ika memenuhi syarat maka MSC meneruskan sinyal yang berbentuk gelombang cahaya ini yang akan ditangkap oleh BTS  receiver  yang akan mentransmisikan ke perangkat tujuan (Hp B). Sinyal ditangkap oleh antenna yang ada pada Hp tersebut dan diubah ke gelombang analog. Hp berdering tanda ada panggilan masuk. 2. Perbedaan 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, dan 6G 1G 2G 3


Digital Modulation gives more data limit, high information security, faster framework accessibility with incredible quality correspondence. Consequently, computerized regulation methods have a more noteworthy interest, for their ability to pass on bigger measures of information than simple ones.       There are numerous kinds of computerized regulation strategies and we can even utilize a blend of these procedures also. In this section, we will talk about the most unmistakable computerized regulation methods.  A. Amplitude Shift Keying  The amplitude of the resultant yield relies on the info information whether it ought to be a zero level or a variety of positive and negative, contingent on the transporter recurrence.  Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) is a kind of Amplitude Modulation that addresses the paired information as varieties in the plentifulness of a sign.  Following is the outline for ASK tweaked waveform alongside its information.  Any tweaked signal has a high recurrence trans

Resume of The 3rd Video, MODULATION TECHNIQUE

  MODULATION TECHNIQUES The video will mainly display and explain about : a.      Block Diagram of Modulation b.      Types of Modulation i)                Analog Modulation ii)              Digital Modulation c.      Analog Modulation i)                Amplitude Modulation ii)              Frequency Modulation iii)            Phase Modulation   I.                INTRODUCTION A message or information that needs to be sent to another user can relate to baseband signals . There will also be a transmitter that generates carrier also the receiver as the destination. The information signals are first converted onto electrical form known as a  baseband signal. The characteristic of the signals needs to be changed to make it suitable for transmitting. The process of varying the characteristics of a carrier signal is called as Modulation.   II.              NEED OF MODULATION Ø   Reduction in the higher of an antenna Ø   Avoid the mixing of the signals Ø  

Resume of Understanding Spectrum - ICT #6

Invisible electromagnetic waves makes phone calls and internet usage possible. Spectrum is electromagnetic frequency range which is a precious resources.           Each time we use our mobile phones to share or receive information, the mobile phones emits electromagnetic waves. These waves are picked up by cell tower and transmitted to the destination tower near the receiver to be sent to the end user. This technique iis called  cellular communication. In cellular communication, geographical areas are divided into different cells. The cells need to transmit different signals based on the users. Each user's frequency is unique. This way a certain device is built to accept certain signal with filter circuit. By using frequency modulation, two  frequencies (high and low) are needed to transmit signals.  However assigning a different signals fora approximately 5 billion users is impossible.  ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM > Ranges from radio waves to gamma rays > The higher frequencie

Resume of "Understanding Modulation - ICT #7"

 MODULATION      Before the electromagnetic waves are transmitted, they should be modulated to a high-frequency signal. SIgnal with higher frequency known as carrier signal. Gambar 1      Signal has amplitude, frequency, and phase. Carrier signals are varied depends on the message signals. For example, the frequency of the carrier signal is varied according to the amplitude of the message signal known as frequency modulation so the produced modulated signal is also a high frequency.  Amplitude modulation, the amplitude of carrier signals is varied based on the value of the message signal. Amplitude and frequency modulation are all analog types which can degrade the quality of signals.  In today's world, all operations are carried out in digital form. How digital modulation techniques work? a. AMPLITUDE SHIFT KEYING     Based on the digital pulse, the amplitude of the carrier signal is adjusted as high amplitude means one and low amplitude means zero. b. FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYING      

Definisi, Fungsi, dan Jenis Kabel UTP serta Pemasangan Kabel UTP Cross-over

                                                        LAN (Local Area Network), jaringan yang melatarbelakangi terbentuknya kabel LAN.                                               Gambar 1.1 Konsep jaringan computer muncul pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika    dari sebuah proyek di laboratorium BELL dan Harvard University Research Group yang dipimpin oleh Prof. H. Aiken. Pada mulanya proyek tersbut hanya ingin memanfaatka perangkat computer yang harus dipakai bersama. Ketika harga computer-komputer kecil mulai menurun, penggunaan computer dan jaringannya sudah mulai beragam mulai dari mengatur proses komunikasi antar computer ( peer to peer ) tanpa melalui computer pusat. Untuk itu teknologi jaringan local mulai berkembang yang disebut sebagai LAN. Jaringan LAN cocok digunakan pada area Gedung perkantoran, kampus, rumah sakit, dan Gedung lainnya karena merupakan jaringan komunikasi yang menghubungkan beberapa device seperti yaitu personal computer, workstation, printer, mainframe, s