
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Resume of "Understanding Modulation - ICT #7"

 MODULATION      Before the electromagnetic waves are transmitted, they should be modulated to a high-frequency signal. SIgnal with higher frequency known as carrier signal. Gambar 1      Signal has amplitude, frequency, and phase. Carrier signals are varied depends on the message signals. For example, the frequency of the carrier signal is varied according to the amplitude of the message signal known as frequency modulation so the produced modulated signal is also a high frequency.  Amplitude modulation, the amplitude of carrier signals is varied based on the value of the message signal. Amplitude and frequency modulation are all analog types which can degrade the quality of signals.  In today's world, all operations are carried out in digital form. How digital modulation techniques work? a. AMPLITUDE SHIFT KEYING     Based on the digital pulse, the amplitude of the carrier signal is adjusted as high amplitude means one and low amplitude means zero. b. FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYING      

Definisi, Fungsi, dan Jenis Kabel UTP serta Pemasangan Kabel UTP Cross-over

                                                        LAN (Local Area Network), jaringan yang melatarbelakangi terbentuknya kabel LAN.                                               Gambar 1.1 Konsep jaringan computer muncul pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika    dari sebuah proyek di laboratorium BELL dan Harvard University Research Group yang dipimpin oleh Prof. H. Aiken. Pada mulanya proyek tersbut hanya ingin memanfaatka perangkat computer yang harus dipakai bersama. Ketika harga computer-komputer kecil mulai menurun, penggunaan computer dan jaringannya sudah mulai beragam mulai dari mengatur proses komunikasi antar computer ( peer to peer ) tanpa melalui computer pusat. Untuk itu teknologi jaringan local mulai berkembang yang disebut sebagai LAN. Jaringan LAN cocok digunakan pada area Gedung perkantoran, kampus, rumah sakit, dan Gedung lainnya karena merupakan jaringan komunikasi yang menghubungkan beberapa device seperti yaitu personal computer, workstation, printer, mainframe, s

Kumpulan Tugas Resume Pertemuan Kedua

Resume Materi Pertemuan ke- 2 Protocol,   is a set of rules or conventions to perform a task Protocol Architecture, is a strategy where the tasks of communication are broken up into modules where eac modules can have its own protocol. In very general terms, communications can be said to involve three components : applicants, computers and networks. Need for Protocol Architecture To do the transfer data mechanism, several tasks must be performed : 1)       The source must activate communications path or inform network of destination 2)       The source must make sure that the destination is ready to receive data 3)       The file transfer application on source must confirm file management program and the destination is prepared to accept and store the data 4)       A certain format file translation may be needed to perform (if the formats on systems are different) Functions of Protocol Architecture a.        Breaks logic into subtasks modules to be implemented separately